Basically I prefer to go to snowmountains alone or with a few friends taking with my own board and to enjoy snowboarding, the fantastic view from the mountain and quiet surrounding there pretty much.
This weekend, I joined to some ski tour group with 17 ppl who come from the US, the UK, Canada, AUS, and Japan. I didn't know most of them before I joined, but spending 48 hours with them together in every moment was enough to get to know some. Though some of them are too much funny, talkative, quiet, shy, and troublesome, everybody there seems so natural and open-minded. And more ppl gather, more we get problems or happenings. But they would be a fun if you can be a part of them and I enjoyed them.
We stayed at MINSHUKU which is a Japanese private guest house in some village and it was typical Japanese style and old. But OBACHANs there who took care of us were very nice and the atmosphere was good! We chatted with KOTATSU and sweet oranges and slept on TATAMI with FUTON. Breakfast at 6:30 am were rice, miso-soup, TAMAGOYAKI, YAKIZAKANA (baked fish), NORI and TSUKEMONO including TAKUAN and HAKUSAI!!! Amazing thing was that everybody ate those breakfast with smile, and nobody complained about typical heavy Japanese breakfast!!! Can you believe they ate YAKIZAKANA and NORI with rice as a starter of all day meal???
The weather was cloudy and snowing but snow at Mt.Mizuho was great condition this weekend. It was over 2m on top, almost snow powder and no pain even if we crush, drop and roll over. I guess we're very lucky to have this condition even in CHUGOKU area.
Thanks to Hawaian Matt who brought me to a crazy steep course which needs brave and challenging spirit! And thanks to Mee, Mika and Matt C. who organized this great tour!
It comments first. I'm sorry because it is English and is unskilled.
You seem to be happy to be enclosed by international companions as usual.
I am not going to snowboard still once at this season. I envy you!!!
Hi! Lib.You seems that you have a great time with snowbording and great freinds!I am really happy to hear that.As I read,I also felt like staying there ;)I gonna to try it next time even though i can`t do it...:(
Everyone ate a original breakfast???Excellent!
They must had snowborded very well the day!!!
See you soon xxx your lovely freind Ria
Hello Keiko! Thanks for coming and your comment! I really like your blog and it's honor to link with it. I'm sure you're one of great bloggers!
Hi, Ria! Yeah it's a pity that we didn't have you in this tour. But I know we're making lots of plans for fun now. Let's do it soon!!!
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