This year again, I was involved in this typical Japanese crooked event, St. Valentine's day in the office. I saw lots of chocolates on our professor's desk, which seems very expensive, even they are small! GODIVA, Pierre Marcolini, Jean-Paul Hevin and...... Those are given to him by my female collegues included me.
Unlike most other countries, where Valentine's Day is a time for lovers to exchange gifts, in Japan, the day of love is one where it has become customary for women to present chocolate to men they have affection for. Even those for whom the women have no particular feelings for do not miss out, though. They sometimes receive giri-choco, or duty chocolate, which the women hand over through a sense of duty. Yeah it's very commercialized but we have to admid that it's almost one of our culture.
Men do not usually give presents to women on Valentine's Day in Japan. Instead, they are supposed to return the goodwill shown to them on Valentine's Day with a reciprocal gift given on March 14, or White Day.
In my office, as always, even I don't know when and who made this rule, these silly ideas and moods make female to give a chocolate to their boss or other male collegues. It may be a good time to show our feeling to thank to him or them by this. It's only just one time a year, you know. But nowadays, lots of high quality brand chocolates are popular and even among men. And it's surprising to see all one floor is filled with variety of chocolates in the department store of Japan since February starts. I guess some girls may spend much money easily in February! I won't be the one of them next year!!!
You write and observe so well - maybe you should become a journalist.
You have a lovely site.
Hi, Simon! Thanks for your visit and comment! Hahaha you know what I am. I'm just a girl who's involved in a chocolate affair ;) What do you usually do for St.Valentine's day in UK?
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