Life is just like a rollercoaster. But it's still beautiful!
Hi!June.omedeto!!!!!論文、インターネットでみれるようになったら教えてね。suteki!今年も、後少しだけど良い年になりそうだね。後残りの一ヶ月、日本生活を思う存分満喫しなきゃ!YEAH.let‘s hang out !;DRie
Hi Rie chan!Thanks for your kind words. 今年も後少しって、なんか12月っぽいんだけど・・・ま、いっか。"Isla de Salsa" is waiting for us!!!また一緒に楽しもうね。
NOOOOOO! Don't leave! I have to see you again! But I'm excited to see your blog when you have new and exciting pictures from London! I want to read your essay too! :0)
Auguri per aver finito tuo saggio!! Invece arrivarai inghilterra partiro dall'italia..Magari che ci incotriamo entrambi in parigi e barminghum!!もう少しでイギリス生活の始まりでしょうか? 期待と興奮とちょっとした不安を盛ってやってくるのかな?? 頑張って!!Mi interessa tua BLOG quindi son contentissimo che tu poterebbe scriverlo piu' friquentmente!!Ciao cara!!
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YEAH.let‘s hang out !;D
Hi Rie chan!
Thanks for your kind words. 今年も後少しって、なんか12月っぽいんだけど・・・ま、いっか。
"Isla de Salsa" is waiting for us!!!また一緒に楽しもうね。
NOOOOOO! Don't leave! I have to see you again! But I'm excited to see your blog when you have new and exciting pictures from London! I want to read your essay too! :0)
Auguri per aver finito tuo saggio!! Invece arrivarai inghilterra partiro dall'italia..
Magari che ci incotriamo entrambi in parigi e barminghum!!
もう少しでイギリス生活の始まりでしょうか? 期待と興奮とちょっとした不安を盛ってやってくるのかな?? 頑張って!!
Mi interessa tua BLOG quindi son contentissimo che tu poterebbe scriverlo piu' friquentmente!!
Ciao cara!!
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