Mt.Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepalese, Chomolangma in Tibetan) 8,850m
The time has come to say good-bye to my grandfather. He named me after the first woman to climb Mt.Everest. 28 yrs later, when I came to see this mountain in Nepal, it was just too great and frightening. Climb every montain? Hmm...have to think about the route. Anyway I found one thing in these hard times. That's the more sorrow people get, the more kind to the others people can be. And life still keeps going on.
Hi, I'm Lisa, one of your cousins. I was invited to visit this blog, and I was quite surprised by your recent life as a music player and your English skill!! How great you are!! Since I live in Fukuoka, I'd love to see your music performance, but how could I?
Chao! Lisa
Lisa chan!!! Thank you for your lovely comment! It was great and honor to have your visit here. I guess my father told you?
Anyway I'm going to play music as JHAR (see James' music blog in my link) twice in July and they might be the last chance for me to do in Fukuoka. I hope you can come to see us! How great if i can have you as a guest! Hope to see you there!
If you wanna know more information, mail me;
This is Lisa again. Wow, thank you for your prompt reply for me. Yes, I checked the homepage you recommended, and I've decided to come to the live which is on Tuesday, July 26th. Is it possible to buy the ticket on the day? Or do you think I'd better to book the ticket before the date? Well, I'm really looking forward to join a little part of your excitement.hehe:)Thanks!
Rie chan:Oh i wanted to climb Ho-man zan! Let me know your schedule! and lets get the summit of Mt. Fuji as well!
Lisa chan; wow thank you so much for your access to the link. I'm so excited to see you on the 26th! No need to buy the ticket in advance. Could you mail me and leave your mail add in my hotmail address pls? I'll tell you more!
June chan ! Hello~!!
I write your page for the first time.
What wonderful photos it is !!.
I surprise that you are great photographer !!
Your photographs made me impressed.
I want to taste the delights of making HP some day.
I will write again.
I’m looking forward to meeting you on August.
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