Monday, April 17, 2006


This is the world for chocolate lovers!

My Dutch friend feels the history of chocolate related with her country.

Cadbury made this town for workers and contributed to this town and community of people a lot by making houses, church, hospital and Football club too!

To know the history of chocolate is interesting. According to huge information website, Wikipedia, at the end of the 18th century, the first form of solid chocolate was invented in turin. In 1828 Dutchman Conrad J. van Houten patented a method for extracting the fat from cocoa beans and making powdered cocoa and cocoa butter. Van Houten also removed the bitter taste. It is believed that the Englishman Joseph Fry made the first chocolate for eating in 1847, followed in 1849 by the Cadbury brothers. Now Cadbury is well known as a most common chocolate brand all over the UK. ちなみに、イギリスの一人当たりのチョコレート消費量は、ヨーロッパ一だそうです。同僚の男性も、いつもおいしそうに食べてます。クリスマスはもちろん、仕事場でのミーティング、ティータイムも、チョコやチョコクッキーなど必ず登場します。イースターは、オフィスの十数カ所に隠されたチョコエッグを、さがすゲームがありました。もしかして、世界一かもしれません。

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

UK Trains

Platform in Snow Hill station, Birmingham. Very Artistic.



今日乗った電車、降りて電車が通り過ぎるのをよくみたら、「Not In Service」って表示。私の乗った電車はいったいなんだったんだ!?ちゃんと行き先くらい表示してください、そうじゃなきゃ・・・そうじゃなきゃ、なんとなく悲しいです。やる気なさすぎです。

Monday, April 10, 2006


This is Balti.

Balti is the name for a style of curry first being served in Birmingham UK since 1975, most likely taking its name from the steel or iron pot.

Balti is not only delicious but also cheap. And customers who wish to drink are welcome to bring their own alcohol with them. So we brought lots of Beers!