Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hello Again From Geneve, Swiss

Hi all! Thanks for your constant encouragement. My life has been slightly changed since 2007 started. Hope we can share some of it through this blog again!

A landmark of Geneve, Switzerland

Left;'Jet d'Eau, 200 km/h, 500 litres/sec, 140m altitude Right; The set of Tori Amos live at Auditorium Stravinski in Montruex Jazz Festival, which is famous known as an international music festival in the world since 1967 (The legendary Keith Jarrett, Bill Evans, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald and more also played here in the past! ) It is held annually in early July in Montreux on the shores of Lake Geneva, Lake Léman.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nature vs Building Rush

A Beautiful Moment is build by nature everywhere now.

Bishopsgate; Building Rush launched at Liverpool Street in London based on the Mirror Mozaique City Project.

"Swiss Re Building" a.k.a. "The Erotic Gherkin"

Monday, October 23, 2006

Stone Henge

Do you feel any mysterious power?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


St. Mary's Cathedral in Salisbury
Too hot! Get off clothes, and get sun tan!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

St. George's Cross

The World Cup has started! I won't mention about the terrible match, Japan vs Australia, which was also a magic game on the side of Aussies coached by Hiddink. Just here are England daily views in this season. Everywhere England flags, St. George's Cross!

BBC, talk show, Jonathan Ross wearing red cross suits and a guest, one of Desperate Housewives

Friday, May 05, 2006

Spring Everywhere

Finally Spring has come! I've never had a such a long winter in my life. Getting dark so quickly and chilling like a freezer!!! Now it's beautiful everywhere. Spring in Dublin last weekend.

As my friend Kaori said in her blog before, Cherry blossoms in Dublin are bigger than Japanese one. Can you feel the weight of their blossoms?

Cherry blossoms in UK is similar and familiar to Japanese. Today the temperature actually hits 24 Celsius here!!! Spring is not anymore and early summer is around, isn't it?

Monday, April 17, 2006


This is the world for chocolate lovers!

My Dutch friend feels the history of chocolate related with her country.

Cadbury made this town for workers and contributed to this town and community of people a lot by making houses, church, hospital and Football club too!

To know the history of chocolate is interesting. According to huge information website, Wikipedia, at the end of the 18th century, the first form of solid chocolate was invented in turin. In 1828 Dutchman Conrad J. van Houten patented a method for extracting the fat from cocoa beans and making powdered cocoa and cocoa butter. Van Houten also removed the bitter taste. It is believed that the Englishman Joseph Fry made the first chocolate for eating in 1847, followed in 1849 by the Cadbury brothers. Now Cadbury is well known as a most common chocolate brand all over the UK. ちなみに、イギリスの一人当たりのチョコレート消費量は、ヨーロッパ一だそうです。同僚の男性も、いつもおいしそうに食べてます。クリスマスはもちろん、仕事場でのミーティング、ティータイムも、チョコやチョコクッキーなど必ず登場します。イースターは、オフィスの十数カ所に隠されたチョコエッグを、さがすゲームがありました。もしかして、世界一かもしれません。

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

UK Trains

Platform in Snow Hill station, Birmingham. Very Artistic.



今日乗った電車、降りて電車が通り過ぎるのをよくみたら、「Not In Service」って表示。私の乗った電車はいったいなんだったんだ!?ちゃんと行き先くらい表示してください、そうじゃなきゃ・・・そうじゃなきゃ、なんとなく悲しいです。やる気なさすぎです。

Monday, April 10, 2006


This is Balti.

Balti is the name for a style of curry first being served in Birmingham UK since 1975, most likely taking its name from the steel or iron pot.

Balti is not only delicious but also cheap. And customers who wish to drink are welcome to bring their own alcohol with them. So we brought lots of Beers!

Monday, March 06, 2006



Puente Nuevo ヌエボ橋

左は、スペイン最古の闘牛場Plaza de Toros。右は、闘牛場のすぐ横にあった記念碑。Glorieta Miki Haruta Pintor 2003 Rondaってあるんだけど、調べてみたら、春田美樹さん(1925年生)でした。帝劇ミュージカル『モルガンお雪』で森繁久彌と共演、日劇ミュージックホールでは即興で絵を描くタレントとして人気があったそうです。テレビタレントとしても活躍したものの、目を患い、交通事故で不自由な体になったのを機に画業に専念、スペインのロンダに移り住み風景画を描き続け、10年前に他界。記念碑の年代とギャップがあるんだけど、これは謎です。

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Memory of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Beach

西暦 1805年10月、ネルソン提督指揮下のイギリス艦隊が、トラファルガーの海戦でフランス・スペイン連合艦隊を撃破。ネルソン提督率いるイギリス海軍が勝利を得たおかげで、ナポレオンのイギリス上陸作戦が不可能になった。ロンドンのトラファルガー広場といえば観光名所の一つで、いつも人々で溢れかえっています。歴史的にみて、イギリスにとっては記念すべき栄光の場所です。しかし、海戦場所だったここスペイン、トラファルガーの海はひっそりと静まりかえり、そして記念碑は200年前の事実だけを後世に伝えています。

Saturday, February 11, 2006

White Town

Vejer de la Frontera
What a narrow street! White walls reflect Sunshine to the blue sky!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Spanish Foods

Paella パエージャ(パエリア)

Jamon Iberico and Goat Cheese

Bar, Puerto de Santa Maria

Chorizo and Tortilla (Spanish Omlet)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Under The Sun

Spain Cadiz, Costa dela Luz
Costa dela Luz
